After three days of fierce competition in three games, the basketballgame concluded on April 19thsuccessfully. There were total three representatives…
Brenntag- Taihe citric acid summit meeting was held on Feb.23rd, 2016. Themayor and Standing Committee Ding Xiwen attended the meeting and delivered a…
LiuWeimin, director of the science and technology department of Shandong Provincemade research for the process of science and technology in high-teche…
Speedup the development of transformation Add the open advantageOCT.29, the municipal party secretary,Director of the standing committee,Wang Liang,em…
Sep.23-24, the InternationalFood Technology Summit & Expo held inmexico,aim to develop the market scope,expand brand awareness,we attended the exp…
Jul.12-14,IFT held in Chicago, USA. this expohas a long history, they have held 75 sessions. It’s the biggest andprestigious expo on food additives, i…
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