Jul.7, the municipal party secretary, Director of the standing committee, Wang Liang, the vicemunicipal party secretary, mayor, Wang Lei, the vice mun…
Jun.1, our company organized a activity ofsigning for safty by hundreds of staff. kicking off the safe production month.
May.19, The vice municipalparty secretary, mayor, Wang Lei, came to visit our company to investigate andsurvey the development of biochemistry.gave fu…
To further enrich the amateur cultural life of workers,invigorate health effectively, enhance cooperation and exchanges, and create aunitive ,competit…
On April 01,Limin,The director of Ethnic andReligious Affairs Commission of Shandong Province, came to our company toinvestigate the development of pr…
In the afternoon of March 29,Lijian,thedirector of Foreign Trade Research Institute of Ministry of Commerce, investigatedour company accompanied by Yu…
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